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Function checking whether user-provided inputs for a function are appropriate. The following check is applied for all inputs:

  • Whether input is of correct type (e.g., logical, numeric, character etc.) For some input types, the following additional checks can be applied optionally:

  • Check whether length of provided input is as expected

  • For numeric/integer inputs: Check whether provided input is within acceptable interval (e.g., between 1-100).

  • For character (categorical) inputs: Check whether input corresponds to one of acceptable categories.

  • For data.table|data.frame inputs: 1) Check whether required columns exist in table, 2) whether each column is of a specified type, and 3) whether all entries are unique.


  length = NULL,
  categories = NULL,
  interval = NULL,
  colnames = NULL,
  coltypes = NULL,
  unique = FALSE



Input argument to be checked. Users can provide multiple inputs to be checked within a single call to this function by providing all inputs as a list (e.g., arginput = list(input1, input2)). However, this only works if all input arguments (e.g., input1 AND input2) are supposed to meet the same criteria (e.g., both should be numeric within interval 0-10).


Required type of input argument based on class(). Example type(s) users can specify:

  • "logical"

  • "character"

  • "numeric" (or "integer" if specifically checking for integers)

  • "data.table"

  • "data.frame"

  • "DBI" | "dbcon" | "PostgreSQL" for DB connection input

  • "list"

  • "Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXt"

  • ...

If an input object can be one of several acceptable types (e.g., data.table OR data.frame), types should be provided as a character vector (e.g., argtype = c("data.frame", "data.table")).

If argtype is "integer", the tests will pass

  1. if class(input) == "integer" or

  2. if class(input) == "numeric" and the number is an integer

If argtype is "numeric", inputs that are of class "integer" will also pass. In other words, integers are treated as a special case of numeric in the case of argtype. Therefore, checks with argtype = c("integer", "numeric") (i.e., input should be either integer or numeric) are not meaningful and should be avoided. Instead, users should specify if inputs need to be an "integer" specifically (argtype = "integer"), or if they just need to be any "numeric" input (argtype = "numeric").


Optional input specifying the expected length of a given input argument (e.g., use length = 2 to check if a vector/list contains 2 elements).


Optional input if argtype is "character". Character vector specifying acceptable categories for character inputs (e.g., categories = c("none", "all"))


Optional input if argtype is "numeric" or "integer". Numeric vector specifying acceptable range for numeric inputs (e.g., interval = c(1,100), or for non-negative numbers: interval = c(0, Inf)). Note that interval specifies a closed interval (i.e., end points are included).


Optional input if argtype is "data.frame" or "data.table". Character vector specifying all columns that need to exist in the input table (e.g., colnames = c("genc_id", "discharge_date_time")).


Optional input if argtype is "data.frame" or "data.table". Character vector specifying required data type of each column in colnames (e.g., coltypes = c("integer", "character")) where the order of the vector elements should correspond to the order of the entries in colnames. If a column can have multiple acceptable types, types should be separated by | (e.g., coltypes = c("integer|numeric", "character|POSIXct"))). For any columns that do not have to be of a particular type, simply specify as "" (e.g., coltypes = c("integer|numeric", "")).

Note: As opposed to argtype, coltypes need to strictly correspond to the type that is returned by class(column). That means that type "integer" is not a special case of "numeric", but is treated as a separate type. This is relevant for genc_id columns, which are of class "integer", and therefore coltype = "numeric" will return an error.


Optional input if argtype is "data.frame" or "data.table". Flag indicating whether all rows in the provided input table need to be distinct.


If any of the input checks fail, function will return error message and stop execution of parent Rgemini function. Otherwise, function will not return anything.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
my_function <- function(input1 = TRUE, # logical
                        input2 = 2, # numeric
                        input3 = 1.5, # numeric
                        input4 = data.frame(
                          genc_id = as.integer(5),
                          discharge_date_time = Sys.time(),
                          hospital_num = 1
                        )) {
  # check single input
  check_input(input1, "logical")

  # check multiple inputs that should be of same type/meet same criteria
    arginput = list(input2, input3), argtype = "numeric",
    length = 1, interval = c(1, 10)

  # check table input (can be either data.frame or data.table)
    argtype = c("data.table", "data.frame"),
    colnames = c("genc_id", "discharge_date_time", "hospital_num"),
    coltypes = c("integer", "character|POSIXct", ""),
    unique = TRUE

# will not result in any errors (default inputs are correct)

# will result in an error
my_function(input1 = 1) # input 1 has to be logical
} # }