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Rgemini 1.0.0

  • New function homelessness() to derive encounter-level homelessness flag based on ICD-10-CA diagnosis codes
  • Enhanced cell_suppression.R renderers for table1 to support simultaneous display of both mean and median
  • Small fix in episodes_of_care() for compatibility with future DB versions due to change in lookup_transfer table
  • Tested on GEMINI Data Repository v3

Rgemini 0.5.1

  • Improved query efficiency in mlaps() and other functions for clinical derived variables
  • Removed duplicated code in icu_entry()

Rgemini 0.5.0

  • New functions:

  • Function enhancements:

    • n_imaging, n_routine_bloodwork() and n_rbc_transfusion() refactored and updated to be able to exclude clinical records in ED
    • Inclusion of all routine blood tests (regardless of result value) in n_routine_bloodwork()
    • Option to derive ICU entries as a clinical outcome with customizable time windows in icu_entry()
    • For functions with date-time inputs: Allow for character and POSIXct inputs
    • Improved efficiency in mlaps() hospital query
  • Minor bug fixes & updated unit tests:

    • frailty_score(): Return frailty score 0
    • daily_census(): Limit time period by discharge date
    • disability(): Only return encounters in cohort input
    • Table 1 render functions: Enable prettyNum formatting
    • Rgemini:::check_input(): Return error for odbc connections
  • Small documentation updates & clean-up of pkdgown reference file

Rgemini 0.4.2

  • Small bug fix in Rgemini:::find_db_tablename()

Rgemini 0.4.1

  • Small bug fix in Rgemini:::check_input()

Rgemini 0.4.0

  • Adds n_missing() function to check number of missingness
  • Switch function frailty_score() to calculate the CIHI Hospital Frailty Risk Score for each encounter
  • Deprecates function frailty_score() that calculates the UK Hospital Frailty Risk Score
  • New utility function checking user inputs
  • Adds core mlaps() function and wrapper function to run over multiple sites and years
  • Adds er_los() function to calculate emergency room length-of-stay
  • New function dummy_ipadmdad() to simulate “ipadmdad” data with random hospital-level intercepts
  • Enhanced daily_census() function to allow exclusion of days with 0 counts
  • Additional input argument in covid_flag() for inclusion of ER diagnoses
  • New function disability() that derives disability flag for each encounter
  • Adds function to calculate Elixhauser comorbidity scores elixhauser_comorbidity_index()
  • Adds utility function to generate warning about mapped values
  • Standardizes citation format in function references section

Rgemini 0.3.1

  • Allows the user to specify the number of digits to round percentages to in cell suppression of categorical variables, without forcing rounding to integer
  • Allows user to render only one level for binary variables in table1
  • Fixes singularity due to missing levels in table1
  • Fixes find_db_tablename() and readmission() for DBs with foreign data wrappers

Rgemini 0.3.0

  • Exports n_rbc_transfusion() function
  • Adds installation instructions for GEMINI HPC
  • Tested on GEMINI Data Repository v2.1.2

Rgemini 0.2.0

  • Small bug fixes in n_imaging() and n_rbc_transfusion()
  • Standardized argument names for DB and cohort inputs
  • Standardized function names for count functions
  • Improved documentation

Rgemini 0.1.0

  • This is the initial release of Rgemini, which includes variety of functions to do data analysis with the GEMINI dataset