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Rgemini contains several functions that facilitate common plotting needs and allow users to create customized figures with just a few lines of code. This vignette focuses on two basic functions for data exploration & descriptive analyses: plot_summary() and plot_over_time()). These functions are not meant to produce publication-ready figures, but rather, they provide a quick and easy way of facilitating early stages of analyses, such as: Checking variable distributions & missingness, inspecting time trends, and visualizing differences between hospitals (or other grouping variables).

The functions introduced here can be used to complement other (base R) functions that allow for quick data inspection like summary(), xtabs(), str() or head().


The plotting examples shown below are based on variables from the “ipadmdad” table. Typically, you would query this table from the GEMINI database, but for the purpose of this vignette, we’ll create some dummy data using Rgemini::dummy_ipadmdad(). Here, we are simulating a subset of “ipadmdad” variables for 50,000 encounters from 12 different hospitals and with discharge dates ranging from fiscal years 2018 to 2022:


ipadmdad <- dummy_ipadmdad(n = 50000, n_hospitals = 12, time_period = c(2018, 2022)) %>%

Summary plots

First, let’s use the plot_summary() function to explore the dataset and gain a better understanding of the distributions of ipadmdad variables in our dummy cohort.

Default plot

By default, plot_summary() creates histograms/barplots for all relevant variables in the data input (ignoring any encounter/patient/physician IDs and date-time variables). It will also show some basic descriptive stats, such as % missing (NA/""/" "), as well as median [Q1, Q3] for continuous variables and % for categorical/character variables. Missing values are excluded from all plots and summary statistics.

plot_summary(data = ipadmdad)


If your data input contains a large number of variables, we recommend explicitly specifying which variables you want to include in the summary plot by providing plot_vars as a character vector input:

plot_summary(ipadmdad, plot_vars = c("discharge_disposition", "number_of_alc_days"))

… or you could select the variables implicitly by specifying the subset of relevant columns like this:*

plot_summary(ipadmdad[, .(discharge_disposition, number_of_alc_days)])


* Note: If you select variables implicitly, any encounter/patient/physician IDs and date-time variables will still be removed automatically by the function. If you would like to plot any IDs/date-times, you can achieve this by explicitly specifying a plot_vars input, e.g., plot_vars = "mrp_cpso_mapped" to check the number of encounters per most responsible physician (MRP).

In general, date-time variables should be avoided in plot_summary() unless they have been preprocessed to reduce the number of categories (e.g., grouped into months/years). To plot time trends, please use the plot_over_time() function instead.


Providing plot_vars as a list

The default plots provide a quick and easy way of exploring the data, but you may want to have finer control over the characteristics of each subplot. This can be achieved by providing the variables to be plotted as a list to specify additional attributes, such as:

  • Variable class: For example, discharge disposition is of type numeric in “ipadmdad”. However, in reality, discharge disposition is a categorical variable so users can specify class = "character" to create a more appropriate plot.
  • Sorting by frequency (for categorical variables): Categories can be sorted according to the frequency of each category level. In the example below, we sort discharge disposition by descending frequency.
  • Histogram bins & breaks (for continuous variables): For example, we may want to plot ALC days with binwidth = 1 and only show data points up to 7 days by specifying breaks = seq(0, 7, 1).
  • Normal distribution (for continuous variables): By default, plot_summary will show medians [Q1, Q3] for continuous variables. For normally distributed variables, users can specify normal = TRUE to obtain means [SD] instead.
  • Subplot titles: Users can change the subplot titles by providing the desired title as the name for each list item (e.g., “# Days in ALC” instead of “Number of Alc Days”)

For example:

  plot_vars = list(
    `Discharge disposition` = list(plot_var = "discharge_disposition", class = "character", sort = "desc"),
    `# Days in ALC` = list(plot_var = "number_of_alc_days", binwidth = 1, breaks = seq(0, 7, 1))


Applying facet grouping

plot_summary can also be used to plot separate histograms/barplots by subgroups. This can be achieved by providing a facet_group variable that will be passed to facet_wrap to create separate subplots by a grouping variable, such as "hospital_num".

For example, here we plot gender separately for each hospital:

  plot_vars = "gender",
  facet_group = "hospital_num"


  • Note:
    • facet_group is currently only supported if users specify a single plotting variable.
    • When specifying a facet_group, any percentage values will be calculated within a given facet level.
    • When sorting categorical variables by frequency, values will be sorted according to the frequency in the whole data set (i.e., across facet levels).


Additional user inputs

Finally, users can control the following plot characteristics:

  • Show percentages (instead of counts) on the y-axis by specifying prct = TRUE
  • Remove the stats above each plot by specifying show_stats = FALSE
  • Change the fill color using the color input
  • Adjust the font size of each plot by specifying base_size
  • Control the arrangement of subplots by providing additional inputs that are passed to ggpubr::ggarrange(). By default, a maximum of 9 (3x3) subplots will be shown in a single figure. If users plot more than 9 variables, multiple figures will be generated. You can change this behaviour, or re-arrange subplots by specifying nrow and ncol. You can also align subplots horizontally using align = "h" (relevant for ALC plot due to long x-axis labels).

For example:

  data = ipadmdad[, .(age, gender, alc_service_transfer_flag)],
  prct = TRUE,
  show_stats = FALSE,
  color = "lightgrey",
  nrow = 1, ncol = 3, 
  align = "h",
  base_size = 10

To create a separate figure for each variable, you can specify ncol = 1 and nrow = 1.


Note on cell suppression

The current version of plot_summary() is only meant to be used for data exploration by the analyst. These plots should generally not be exported/shared with external collaborators. If you do plan to share any plots created with plot_summary(), please make sure the plots comply with GEMINI’s cell suppression rules to protect patient privacy. Specifically, any categories with n < 6 should be removed from the plots and histogram bins should be sufficiently large to ensure n >= 6 in each bin.

Plot variables over time

Another common way to explore GEMINI data is to plot variables over time, which can be done with a single line of code using the plot_over_time() function in Rgemini. By default, the function assumes that users want to aggregate data by a certain time interval (default = "month") and by hospital (plotted as individual subplots). This can provide important insights into differences across sites and temporal trends. We recommend generating these plots after cohort creation to check for potential data availability/quality issues, outliers, or biases that may have been introduced during cohort generation.

Default plot

By default, the plot_over_time() function plots the mean of a user-specified plot_var (e.g., age) by hospital and month. For example:

  data = ipadmdad, 
  plot_var = "age"


Each subplot shows the mean age at an individual hospital, and the thick line represents the mean age across all sites (note: hospitals with more encounters contribute more to this line than hospitals with fewer encounters).


Overview of optional inputs

There are several ways users can customize the default plot by providing additional input arguments, which are explained in more detail below. Briefly, users can provide the following input arguments:

  • func: What function to use to aggregate data (default: "mean" for continuous variables and "prct" for categorical variables); users can also plot number of rows ("n") or percent missing ("na")
  • time_var: Date-time variable of interest (default: discharge_date_time)
  • time_int: Time interval to aggregate data by (default: month, but could be quarter, year, fisc_year, season, or a custom time interval)
  • line_group: Grouping variable corresponding to individual lines (default: "hospital_num" or "hospital_id")
  • color_group: Grouping variable to be used for color coding of lines (e.g., hospital-level grouping by "hospital_type" or encounter-level grouping by "gender")
  • facet_group: Grouping variable to be used for facet_wrap (default: facet_group = "hospital_num" or "hospital_id" to plot individual subplots per hospital); set to NULL to plot everything in a single plot
  • show_overall: Flag indicating whether or not to plot thick line showing overall result value across all individual lines (grouped by color_group if specified)
  • smooth_method: Method for smoothed trend lines (default: NULL for no smoothing); set to "auto" (for flexible trend line) or "lm" (for linear trend lines).
  • min_n: Minimum number of data points required per cell. Any cells with n < min_n will be suppressed and removed from the figure
  • return_data: Whether to return aggregated data instead of plotting results
  • Additional plotting aesthetics like line_width, ylimits, and colors (see function documentation for more details)



For continuous variables, users can specify func = "median" instead of the default func = "mean".

For categorical variables, the function plots percentages (func = "prct"). Users can additionally provide plot_cat to indicate which category/factor level to plot (by default, the function plots the % in the last category level, e.g., TRUE for logical variables). For example, to plot the percentage of female encounters:

  data = ipadmdad,
  plot_var = "gender",
  plot_cat = "F"
  #func = "%" # not required in this case because gender is a character variable, so the function infers that func should be "%"


When plotting percentages, any entries that are NA/"" are automatically removed from both the numerator and denominator.

If we wanted to plot discharge_disposition, which is of class integer, the function would by default plot the "mean". However, in reality, discharge disposition represents a categorical variable, so we could either transform discharge_disposition into a factor variable before plotting, or alternatively, we could run the following code to plot the percentage of encounters where discharge_disposition %in% c(7, 72, 73, 74) (i.e., % of hospitalizations that resulted in in-hospital death):

  data = ipadmdad,
  plot_var = "discharge_disposition",
  func = "%",
  plot_cat = c(7, 72, 73, 74)


We can also simply plot the number of rows per month * hospital by specifying func = "n". This is a great way to check for potential data availability issues (e.g., time periods with 0 rows might reflect gaps in data availability). In our example here, the number of rows corresponds to the number of unique encounters in ipadmdad, but depending on the table you provide as data input, the count of rows might reflect other variables, such as total number of pharmacy orders, lab tests etc.

  data = ipadmdad,
  func = "n"


Note the when we plot n, the thick “overall” line represents the median of all (individual hospital) lines, rather than the total count of rows across all sites.


Finally, plot_over_time() can also be used to plot the percentage of missing data by specifying func = "na" or "missing", which plots the percentage of all entries that are either NA, "", or " ". Let’s plot the % of encounters with missing ALC flag and rename the y-axis title to "% Missing ALC":

  data = ipadmdad,
  plot_var = "alc_service_transfer_flag",
  func = "na"
) + labs(y = "% Missing ALC flag")


time_var and time_int

time_var specifies the variable containing the relevant date-time information. Typically, in GEMINI data, this is "discharge_date_time" since hospital data are pulled based on discharge dates. time_int specifies the time interval to use for aggregation (i.e., resolution along x-axis). By default, the function aggregates data by month, but users could also specify "quarter", "year", "fisc_year" (hospital fiscal year starting in April), or "season".

For example, we could plot the number of encounters that were discharged each fiscal year:

  data = ipadmdad,
  func = "n",
  #time_var = "discharge_date_time", # default
  time_int = "fisc_year"


… or the number of encounters that were admitted each season*:

  data = ipadmdad,
  func = "n",
  time_var = "admission_date_time",
  time_int = "season"


*Note: If you are plotting by admission date-time, you might be underestimating encounters at the end of the data availability timeline (because patients only appear in GEMINI data once they have been discharged). Therefore, plotting by admission date should only be done with caution and might require a buffer period that excludes data points at the end of the data availability period.


Custom time_int

Note that users can in principle specify any custom time interval as long as this is provided as a column in the data input. For example, let’s say we want to plot the number of encounters that were admitted to hospital each day in April 2020. Users can calculate the admission date prior to running the function and then provide it as the time_int input:

ipadmdad[, my_date := as.Date(ymd_hm(admission_date_time))]

  data = ipadmdad[my_date >= "2020-04-01" & my_date <= "2020-04-30", ],
  func = "n",
  time_int = "my_date"



In all plots shown above, individual hospitals are shown in different subplots. We could also show all hospitals in a single plot by specifying facet_group = NULL. In that case, the function still assumes that users want to aggregate by hospitals, and thus, hospitals will be shown as individual lines (default: line_group = "hospital_num"):

  plot_var = "age",
  facet_group = NULL#,
  #line_group = "hospital_num" # default


Alternatively, users can also specify other line_group variables representing individual physicians, patients, or other grouping variables.



Users can apply an additional layer of grouping based on color. For example, you may want to group hospitals into different types, such as academic vs. community hospitals. For illustration purposes, a random hospital_type is assigned to our dummy data and we can then add hospital_type as a color_group variable. We’ll also set show_overall to FALSE here to remove the thick overall line from all plots:

# assign (random) hospital grouping variable
ipadmdad[, hospital_type := sample(
  c("Academic", "Community"), prob = c(.4, .6), 1, replace = TRUE
), by = hospital_num] 

  plot_var = "age",
  color_group = "hospital_type",
  show_overall = FALSE


By default, the first color palette defined by gemini_colors() (“GEMINI Rainbow”) is used for color_group colors (see section Plotting theme & colors for more details).


Another application of color_group could be to plot all individual hospitals in a single plot and apply color-coding to distinguish individual sites. This can be achieved by setting facet_group to NULL and specifying hospital_num as a color_group. This is not a good option if you are plotting a lot of hospitals at the same time, but we could for example only plot hospitals 1-6. Let’s also pick a different color palette from gemini_colors() here:

  ipadmdad[hospital_num <= 6, ],
  plot_var = "age",
  color_group = "hospital_num",
  facet_group = NULL,
  colors = gemini_colors(4) # equivalent to gemini_colors("Lavender Lagoon") or simply gemini_colors("l")


Similarly, we could plot all academic & community hospitals in a single plot and apply color coding based on hospital_type. Here, the thick lines represent the overall mean age at each hospital type. Note that the data are aggregated across all encounters of each group level (e.g., the cyan line represents the mean age of all encounters at any community site). This means that larger hospitals will contribute more to the average than smaller hospitals:

  plot_var = "age",
  color_group = "hospital_type",
  facet_group = NULL


If this plot is too busy and you simply want to illustrate the aggregated results by hospital type, you could suppress the individual hospital lines by specifying line_group = NULL. You can also provide any custom colors and specify ylimits. Additionally, let’s add some annotations highlighting the onset of the first COVID-19 wave in March 2020:

  plot_var = "age",
  line_group = NULL,
  color_group = "hospital_type",
  facet_group = NULL,
  colors = c("#86b9b0", "#c266a7"),
  ylimits = c(63, 83)
) + 
  annotate("text", x = as.Date("2020-03-01"), y = 80, label = "1st COVID wave", color = "#022061") + 
  annotate("segment", x = as.Date("2020-03-01"), xend = as.Date("2020-03-01"), y = 63, yend = 79, color = "#022061", linetype = 2)



Instead of using color coding to add grouping variables, we can also specify a facet_group variable that is passed to facet_wrap(). By default, facet_group is set to "hospital_num" to facilitate visualization of individual hospitals. However, for the purpose of comparing different hospital types, we could instead specify facet_group = "hospital_type" to plot academic vs. community hospitals in separate subplots:

  plot_var = "age",
  facet_group = "hospital_type",
  show_overall = TRUE


Additional inputs for facet plots

Users can provide additional input arguments that are passed to lemon::facet_rep_wrap() (wrapper for ggplot2::facet_wrap()), such as:

  • nrow and ncol to control the number of rows and columns
  • scales specifying if the x-/y-axis limits should be "fixed" (default) or "free" across subplots.

“Free” scales are useful to illustrate within-hospital trends, regardless of between-hospital differences. For example, we may want to visualize the effect of “season” on the encounter numbers (regardless of total number of encounters at each hospital). Here, we plot this in a 2 x 6 facet plot with free y scales:

  func = "n",
  time_int = "season",
  nrow = 2,
  scales = "free_y"


  • Note:
    • If you specify a ylimits input, this will overwrite scales = "free" as ylimits will fix all y-axes to the specified range.
    • Specifying free x-scales (scales = "free_x" or scales = "free") can result in differences in plotted timelines between hospitals and is generally not recommended for the purpose of this function.



When applying multiple grouping variables (e.g., to illustrate interactions), the number of data points per cell might be low, especially in smaller cohorts. Users can specify min_n to apply cell suppression to any cells with n < min_n data points. For example, we might want to illustrate interactions between hospital type and patient’s gender on age. Since there are not many encounters with gender = "O", we may want to apply cell suppression to any data points with n < 6 by specifying min_n = 6. In our sample data, there is no cell with gender == "O" that has at least 6 data points, so results for gender = "0" are fully suppressed in this example:

  plot_var = "age",
  line_group = "gender",
  color_group = "gender",
  facet_group = "hospital_type",
  min_n = 6,
  show_overall = FALSE
#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): The following levels of input variable 'gender'
#> were removed from this plot due to cell suppression (all n < 6):
#> [1] "O"


A warning message is shown to inform users about any groups (or individual cells) that were excluded due to cell suppression.



To facilitate visualization of time trends, users can specify a smoothing method (also see ? geom_smooth), such as "auto" for a flexible, non-linear trend line or "lm" for a linear trend line. Individual data points are now shown as dots. Note that the trend line is fitted to the aggregated data points (i.e., in this case, each month contributes equally to the trend line, regardless of number of data points).

  plot_var = "age",
  smooth_method = "auto"


In this plot, the “Overall” line now represents a trend line fitted to the data aggregated across all hospitals.


You could also only show the overall, aggregated trend line (plus overall data points aggregated across the whole dataset) in a single plot. Here, we plot a linear trend for illustration purposes:

  plot_var = "age",
  facet_group = NULL,
  line_group = NULL,
  smooth_method = "lm"



There might be situations where users want the function to return the aggregated data, instead of plotting the results. This could be useful for debugging purposes, checking for outliers, or to further process the data before plotting the results (e.g., additional exclusions etc.). It also allows users to plot the aggregated data with other plotting packages/apply further customization to the plots.

To retrieve the aggregated data, simply specify return_data = TRUE:

res <- plot_over_time(
  color_group = "hospital_type",
  func = "median",
  plot_var = "age",
  return_data = TRUE


This will return a list of 2 data.table objects:

The 1st list entry corresponds to the results aggregated by time interval (default = "month") and all grouping variables (line_group, color_group, and facet_group - if any). For example, here we grouped by line_group = "hospital_num" (default) and color_group = "hospital_type" so the output will look like this:

discharge_month hospital_num hospital_type median_age n
2018-04-01 1 Academic 73.0 73
2018-04-01 2 Community 73.0 73
2018-04-01 3 Academic 83.0 57
2018-04-01 4 Academic 73.0 71
2018-04-01 5 Community 68.5 78
2018-04-01 6 Community 78.0 73


The 2nd list entry corresponds to the higher-level grouping into the “overall” results (i.e., thick summary line in the plots above), which only groups by time interval and color_group (if any), such as hospital_type in our example:

discharge_month hospital_type median_age n
2018-04-01 Academic 80 335
2018-04-01 Community 76 500
2018-05-01 Academic 77 349
2018-05-01 Community 77 520
2018-06-01 Academic 77 363
2018-06-01 Community 75 473


In both tables, n corresponds to the number of data points in each cell.


Notes on using plotly

It can be useful to apply plotly::ggplotly() to create interactive plots that can further facilitate data exploration. However, please note that ggplotly can mess with certain plot aesthetics. For example, if we apply ggplotly to the default plot_over_time, the axis labels now overlap with the x-tick marks and the legend position has been moved to the top right:

ggplotly(plot_over_time(data = ipadmdad, plot_var = "age"))


You can apply any necessary adjustments to the returned ggplot and/or run plotly::layout() to achieve the desired aesthetics. For example, to move the “Discharge Month” label and change the legend position:

# create plot
my_plot <- plot_over_time(data = ipadmdad, plot_var = "age")

# adjust space for x-axis title
my_plot <- my_plot + labs(x = "\nDischarge Month") 

# apply additional formatting using layout()
ggplotly(my_plot) %>%  
  layout(legend = list(x = 1, y = 0.5)) # change legend position