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Computes the number of hospitalizations an encounter has had over a specified time period, using admission & discharge date-times from the CIHI Discharge Abstract Database (DAD).


  n_days = 30,
  admit_dt = "admission_date_time",
  discharge_dt = "discharge_date_time"



(data.table, data.frame)
Cohort table with all relevant encounters of interest, where each row corresponds to a single encounter. Must contain the following columns:

  • genc_id (integer): GEMINI encounter ID

  • patient_id_hashed (Varchar): Unique hash of patient's health card number

  • admission_date_time (character): The date and time that the patient was officially registered as an inpatient for the current hospital admission. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.

  • discharge_date_time (character): The date and time when the patient was formally discharged from the current hospital admission. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.


Window for calculating the number of hospitalizations. n_days is set to 30 days by default.


Admission date-time Variable representing admission date-time. Set to admission_date_time by default.


Discharge date-time Variable representing discharge date-time. Set to discharge_date_time by default.


data.table containing the same number of rows as input cohort table. This data.table contains the genc_id, along with n_hospitalizations, which represents the number of previous hospitalizations in the given window. The values in n_hospitalizations will be 0, 1, or 2+.


This function uses DAD fields Admission date-time (Group 04 Fields 01/02), Discharge date-time (Group 05 Fields 01/02) along with patient_id_hashed to calculate the number of previous hospitalizations an encounter has had in a specified window.


# Default n_days of 30:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }

# User-input window of 182 days (6 months)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
hospitalizations_last_n_days(cohort, n_days = 182)
} # }