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in_hospital_mortality returns whether a patient has deceased in hospital based on the CIHI DAD field discharge disposition


in_hospital_mortality(ipadmdad, suicide = FALSE)



(data.frame or data.table)
Table with all relevant encounters of interest from DRM table "ipadmdad" (see GEMINI Data Repository Dictionary). Must contain two fields: genc_id and discharge_disposition.


a TRUE/FALSE argument indicating whether suicides in facility should be counted towards in-hospital mortality rate or not.


data.table with the same number of rows as input ipadmdad, with additional derived boolean field labelled as in_hospital_mortality_derived. Possible values are TRUE, FALSE or NA, where NA indicates missing discharge disposition.


This function takes the CIHI DAD "discharge disposition" field (Group 05, Field 05 As of 19/20 CIHI DAD) and generates a boolean variable indicating whether the patient has deceased during hospital stay.

The current version of the function captures the four possible values indicating that a patient has deceased in hospital:

  • 7 : Died (Deprecated post 2017)

  • 72 : Died in Facility

  • 73 : Medical Assistance in Dying

  • 74 : Suicide in Facility (Excluded in calculation by default; can be included by setting suicide argument to TRUE)


NA values in returned data.table indicate missing discharge disposition field values.