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This function merges a given table containing dates of interest with a holiday table to flag which dates are holidays/observed holidays.


stat_holidays_ON(data, date_column, include_observed_holidays = TRUE)



(data.frame or data.table)
Table containing date_column that can be converted to YYYY-MM-DD format


Name of column in data corresponding to relevant dates; will be merged with holiday table.


If TRUE, observed holidays will be included in output.


This function returns the provided input table data with the following additional columns:

  • date: date_column in YYY-MM-DD format

  • holiday: flag indicating whether date corresponds to a holiday or not

  • holiday_weekday: the day of the week when the holiday occurred

  • holiday_name: the name of the holiday occurring on the given date

When include_observed_holidays == TRUE, 3 additional columns will be returned where observed_holiday = TRUE for any dates on which a holiday was observed (whether or not that corresponds to the actual date of the holiday). Additionally, the corresponding weekday and holiday name of observed holidays will be returned as separate columns.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
dbcon <- DBI::dbConnect(drv,
                        dbname = "db",
                        host = "",
                        port = 1234,
                        user = getPass("Enter user:"),
                        password = getPass("password"))

# derive which encounters were discharged on a holiday
ipadm <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT discharge_date_time FROM admdad;")
holidays <- stat_holidays_ON(ipadm, "discharge_date_time")
} # }