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This function converts date-time variables into a user-specified format. convert_dt is called by other Rgemini functions to make sure that any date-time inputs are in the expected order (typically "ymd HM"). It can also be used independently of other Rgemini functions to clean up date-times for analyses. The function additionally returns warning messages about missing/invalid date-time entries that can be useful for debugging.


  orders = "ymd HM",
  check_ts_zeros = FALSE,
  dt_varname = NULL,
  addtl_msg = NULL,



A vector containing the date-time values to be converted to the specified format. The vector can be of any class that can be converted to date-times by lubridate::parse_date_time() (usually "character" or "POSIXct"). If users have already pre-processed date-time variables into POSIXct (e.g., using lubridate::ymd_hm()) prior to running the function, convert_dt() will simply return the original dt_var.


Order(s) to be used to parse dt_var, such as "ymd HM" (default), "ymd HMS", "ymd" etc. Will be passed to lubridate::parse_date_time(), which accepts date-time formats without expecting "%" prefix (see orders input argument in parse_date_time.

Multiple acceptable formats can be specified by providing a character vector, e.g. format = c("ymd HM", "ymd HMS", "ymd").

If expecting a date format in "ymd" (regardless of whether timestamp exists or not), use convert_dt(dt_var, orders = "ymdHMS", truncated = 3).


Whether to check for timestamps "00:00", which may represent missing times for some variables. This is only user species any orders containing time information, e.g., orders = c("ymd HM", "ymd HMS").


Name of variable referring to user-provided date-time variable. This is only used for warning messages to improve clarity. Usually, dt_varname can be inferred directly based on the provided input, but in some cases where inputs are passed between multiple functions, it can be helpful to specify the variable name explicitly (for example, see stat_holidays_ON().


Additional warning message to be shown if any missing/invalid date-time entries were found. If addtl_msg = NULL, the following message will be shown by default: "Please carefully consider how to deal with missing/invalid date-time entries and perform any additional pre-processing prior to running the function [function_name] (e.g., impute missing dates/timestamps etc.)."


Additional parameters passed to lubridate::parse_date_time(), such as truncated , exact, etc.


Returns converted dt_var parsed according to specified date-time orders.

Will also return the following warning messages (if applicable):

  1. Number (%) of entries in dt_var that are missing (NA, "", " ")

  2. Number (%) of entries in dt_var that could not be parsed into specified format

  3. For formats containing (non-optional) timestamps: Number (%) of entries in dt_var that only contain date information

Any missing/invalid date-time entries will be returned as NA by this function.


my_date_time <- c("2020-01-01 12:00", "2021-03-06 09:25")
convert_dt(my_date_time, orders = "ymd HM")
#> [1] "2020-01-01 12:00:00 UTC" "2021-03-06 09:25:00 UTC"